Feline Wellness Plan
Here at South Windsor Veterinary Clinic, the Feline Wellness Plan is a great, cost-effective option for providing your pet’s care. If you have any questions, please contact us or schedule an appointment.
Feline Wellness Plan
You save money with our wellness program on the overall price of advised preventative care and treatments. The best part is that this plan offers affordable monthly payments, making it simple to keep track of your dog’s medical expenses.
“Great Start” Kitten Wellness Plan (Six-Month Plan)
Included in the “Great Start” Kitten Wellness Package:
- First New Kitten Exam
- Purevax Rabies 1 Year Vaccine
- FVRCP Vaccine Series
- 3 Nail Trims
- Complete Lab Analysis
- 6 Months of Revolution Plus
- HomeAgain Microchip
- Free Kitten Kit
- Deworming with Pyrantel
This package is good for six months. All included services must be completed during that time. Exception- if you spay or neuter after the program has ended, you will have up to 1 year to complete the Complete Lab Analysis.
“Optimal Care” Adult Feline Wellness Plan (One-Year Plan)
Included in the “Optimal Care” Package:
- 2 Annual Wellness Exams
- Complete Lab Analysis
- 6 Nail Trims
- PureVax Rabies 1 Year Vaccine
- FVRCP 3 Year Vaccine
- FELV 1 Year Vaccine
- 12 Months Revolution Plus
This package is good for 12 months. All services must be completed by this time to be included.
“Golden Years” Senior Feline Wellness Plan (One-Year Plan)
Did you know that your cat is considered a senior at 7? At South Windsor Veterinary Clinic it is important to us that our older guys/gals get just as much attention as our youngsters. Because our beloved pets age faster than we do, it is imperative that we examine them every 6 months. Seeing them more often allows us to diagnose and manage anything that might arise due to old age.
Included in our “Golden Years” Wellness Package:
- 2 Wellness Exams
- 1 set of Baseline Radiographs
- 1 Ultrasound Scan
- Purevax Rabies 1 Year Vaccine
- FVRCP 3 Year Vaccine
- FELV 1 Year Vaccine
- Complete Lab Analysis
- 1 Blood Pressure Screening
- 6 nail trims
- 12 Months of Revolution Plus
This package is good for twelve months. All services must be completed by this time to be included.